How it works
You need to REGISTER first (by filling in your full name and an e-mail address or using an existing Facebook or Google+ account).
When using LateMessage you need to be LOGged IN.
When using LateMessage you need to be LOGged IN.
Refresh/update LateMessage app by simple swiping down.
Customize your profile
Customize your profile (choose a nick name, possibility to/not to display an avatar and an e-mail address).

Calendar / Add calendar / Share calendar / Invite / Settings / How it works

Displays calendar
There are News and Private calendars preinstalled. News calendar is coming soon. Private calendar is personal to a user, no one else can see nor edit it; it is not possible to share it. Events already added to a Private calendar are displayed too.
If more calendars are added, a default calendar is displayed (default calendar can be selected in Settings). Events from this default calendar (if added) are displayed too. A name of displayed calendar is underlined.
Select which calendars are to be displayed (by touching the name of required calendar); at the same time it is possible to display more calendars and its events in one. All selected calendars are underlined.
Display daily time schedule of the selected day in the selected calendar. Swipe left to show the Timeline of posts.
Post an event into your selected calendar by choosing the required hour of the event or select
. Add a picture to an event, if needed. Select Save to post an event; all users that are sharing a calendar will be notified by
Select Save&Send to post an event; all users that are sharing a calendar will be notified by
and - in addition to it - you can send a secret message to the selected LateMessage users.
There are News and Private calendars preinstalled. News calendar is coming soon. Private calendar is personal to a user, no one else can see nor edit it; it is not possible to share it. Events already added to a Private calendar are displayed too.
If more calendars are added, a default calendar is displayed (default calendar can be selected in Settings). Events from this default calendar (if added) are displayed too. A name of displayed calendar is underlined.
Select which calendars are to be displayed (by touching the name of required calendar); at the same time it is possible to display more calendars and its events in one. All selected calendars are underlined.
Display daily time schedule of the selected day in the selected calendar. Swipe left to show the Timeline of posts.
Post an event into your selected calendar by choosing the required hour of the event or select

Select Save&Send to post an event; all users that are sharing a calendar will be notified by

Add calendar
Create as many calendars as you need.
There are News and Private calendars preinstalled. News calendar is coming soon. Private calendar is personal to a user, no one else can see nor edit it; it is not possible to share it.
There are News and Private calendars preinstalled. News calendar is coming soon. Private calendar is personal to a user, no one else can see nor edit it; it is not possible to share it.

Share calendar
Share calendar with as many LateMessage friends as you want (using their nick name or an e-mail address).

Invite your family members / friends / business partners to join the LateMessage community by
entering their e-mail address.

Gives a possibility to organize calendars; both your calendars and calendars shared with you.
Select the default calendar which you prefer to be displayed each time you log in.
When sharing a calendar choose a possibility of a calendar to be Read-only or Write.
If there is no longer need of a calendar, simply delete it.
Note: Private calendar is visible only to you and it is not possible to share it - it is PRIVATE.
Select the default calendar which you prefer to be displayed each time you log in.
When sharing a calendar choose a possibility of a calendar to be Read-only or Write.
If there is no longer need of a calendar, simply delete it.
Note: Private calendar is visible only to you and it is not possible to share it - it is PRIVATE.

Select calendar
Select required date of the calendar to be displayed.

Bottom menu

See the above description of Calendar.

Add other Latemessage users (using their e-mail address or a nick name); you can share the calendars or events with them or send them secret messages.

Secret messages
New message: Send a message to your friends; change of colour notifies of a new message received.

Shows the notifications of:
- being added as a friend
- sharing a calendar
- a new event added into shared calendar.
- being added as a friend
- sharing a calendar
- a new event added into shared calendar.